Friday, December 1, 2023

12 Books of Christmas

 Christmas is a time of joy and what better way to experience that joy than to do something I love: reading. So me and a friend decided to do a reading challenge of reading 12 books before Christmas. She went a monster romance route, while I stuck with contemporary "Hallmark" and historical romance because I am currently on a historical romance kick and I always want to challenge myself to read more contemporary because it is my least favorite genre.

So without further ado, in no particular order of being completed here are my 12 Books of Christmas that I have planned to read:

1. In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren

2. Lovelight Farms by B.K. Borison

3. Holiday Swap by Maggie Knox

4. Mistletoe Motive by Chloe Liese

5. Holiday Switch by Tif Marcelo

6. Christmas Pact by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

7. Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist by Codi Hall

8. Christmas Cupid by Ilsa Madden-Mills

9. So, This is Christmas by Tracy Andreen

10. How the Dukes Stole Christmas by Various Authors

11. Holiday by Gaslight by Mimi Matthews

12. Kissing Under the Mistletoe by Various Authors

List subject to change due to availability of books because most will be borrowed from the library through the Libby app. Some are through Kindle Unlimited.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Anti-TBR Tag


 1. A popular book everyone loves that you have no interest in reading

Cruel Prince by Holly Black. I'm not huge into fae stories, and I just have no desire to read this book for no real reason other than it just doesn't sound that exciting. 

2. A classic book (or author) that you don't have any interest in reading

Great Gatsby. Wuthering Heights. Jane Eyre. Great Expectations. There's probably a lot more that I could add to this list because I just don't really have a desire to read Classics.

3. An author whose books you have no interest in reading

Cassandra Clare. I don't really get the hype. I've tried picking up her books and it's always something I put down really quickly. Maybe some day I will try again, but as of right now - she's one author I will be avoiding.

4. A problematic author whose books you have no interest in reading

Going back to classics because I feel like a good chunk of classical authors are problematic.

5. An author you have read a couple of books from and have decided their books are not for you

Hailey Abbott. I've read two of her books and I gave them both 3 stars, so I think she's one author that I am going to not pick up another book. I feel like I don't have that issue anymore - I tend to either only read one book of an author and then never again if I didn't like or I just tend to pick up books that I will continue to read more by that author.

6. A genre you are not interested in or you have tried and couldn't get into

Magical Realism. I have attempted to enjoy Magical Realism but even for books that I kind of enjoyed, I've never given a book with Magical Realism more than like a 3 star rating. I just kind of try to avoid this genre as much as possible.

7. A book you have bought but will never read

Possibly Priory of the Orange Tree as much as I don't want that to be the case. But everytime I go to pick it up, I just end up deciding not to.

8. A series you have no interest in reading or a series you have started and DNFed

House of Night. Blue Bloods. Wicked Lovely. Maximum Ride. Divergent. Intertwined. There are so many series on this list that I will not be continuing.

9. A new release you have no interest in reading

Stolen Heir by Holly Black. She's an author that can probably join Cassandra Claire as an author that I have no desire to pick up a book by.