Wednesday, March 8, 2017

February Emojiathon Wrap-up

This was my first readathon of the year, it lasted for the month of February. I had meant to post my results for this readathon at the beginning of the month, but things don't always work out the way we want.

The purpose of the Emojiathon was to read 4 of the 25 challenge. I was going to aim to read all 25 books during February, but I got sick for two weeks, and only accomplished reading the 4 this readathon required.

guys.jpg- read a book about a marginalized group 30653731

This was not my original choice for the book. I was going to read Five Flavors of Dumb, which features a Deaf main character. And I still want to read it, but A Boy Called Bat, kind of fits, since it features a character with autism, and I don't think that people with disabilities really get focused on much in books. My review will be posted on March 19th, for the tour with Jean BookNerd. Keep your eyes peeled if you are interested.

download (4).jpg- read a book that was gifted to you 3

I was not able to read.

heart.jpg- read a romance/contemporary 27414434

I had already completed this when I posted the actual readathon.

download (5).jpg- read a book you bought because of its cover 25390583

I was not able to get to this, but I still would be interested in reading it.

- read a book that makes you happy Cover image for Metaltown

I was not able to get to this.

download (1).jpg- read a thriller or horror 17341550

I was not able to get to this one either.

robot.jpg- read a futuristic/sci-fi book Cover image for Their Fractured Light

Again, not able to get to this.

download (6).jpg- freebie! Read any book 33290383

I had already finished this book also when I got the original posting up.

047982f39e753d4d90ba197084cefbb0.png- read a 2016/2017 release 23299512

I still plan on checking this book out.

crying.jpg- read a cry-worthy book 12851538

I still really want to read this book.

excited.jpg- read a book you’ve been anticipating 29939390

I have actually started reading this book, and I am super excited so far with how well the book is.

emoji.jpg- read a book in under 24 hours 13541584

I read this one, and I wasn't really a fan.
emoji_set_101.png- read a book you’ve seen everywhere 27827203

I will definitely be trying to read this book as soon as possible.

- buddy read a book 16034235

So technically, I had started out buddy reading this book, and I had started it before I had gotten sick, and I had loved it, but now it's really hard to get back into, so I'm probably going to hold off for a while before I attempt to get back in.

So sadly, not much to tell, because I didn't really accomplish much after I had posted the original post, and by that point, I had already read 3/4, which meant I only had one book to share about for the wrap-up.

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