Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Mid-Year Freak-Out Tag (2019)

Best Book You've Read So Far in 2019
Normally, I would have a handful of books that I want to list, but this year I haven't really read a ton of books that I have loved, so I will only be listing one - which was kind of a surprise when I stumbled upon it. Girl at the Grave by Teri Bailey Black.

Best Sequel You've Read So Far in 2019
I have read two sequels this year, and both of them I rated 3 stars, so out of the two sequels I have read, Beneath the Sugar Sky by Seanan McGuire, was my favorite.

New Release You Haven't Read Yet but Want To
I'm not going to only pick one book for this question. Instead I am going to list a few books that I really want to read but haven't picked up yet. Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller, Heroine by Mindy McGinnis, Four Dead Queens by Astrid Scholte, Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, and We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal.

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Most Anticipated Release for the Second Half of the Year
Again, for this question, I'm going to list more than one book. I'll probably stick with five like I did for the last question. The books I'm anticipating for the second half of the year are Crown of Oblivion by Julie Eschraugh, Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White, Tenth Girl by Sara Faring, Light at the Bottom of the World by London Shah, and Capturing the Devil by Kerri Maniscalco. I'm really excited for the Guinevere Deception because I love the Arthurian Legend, and it's written by Keirsten White; and I'm also really excited for Capturing the Devil, although I still need to read the second and third books in the series.

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Biggest Disappointment
I read Mera: Tidebreaker by Danielle Paige right after watching the Aquaman movie, and I did not enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to. I only gave it two stars.

Biggest Surprise
I haven't really had a big surprise this year, except for the book in the first question, although it was a surprise in finding it rather than I was surprised I enjoyed it as much as I had.
Favorite New Author
I actually don't have a new favorite author.
Favorite New Crush
Favorite New Characters
Book that Made You Cry
I haven't cried for any book this year. I thought I was going to cry during Opposite of Innocent by Sonya Sones because of the content, but I didn't.

Book that Made You Happy
Sabrina Vol. One. I really enjoyed this book, and I liked the darker twist to the original Sabrina story.

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Most Beautiful Book You've Bought So Far this Year
I absolutely love the cover of Romanov by Nadine Brandes.

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What Books Do You Need to Read Before the End of this Year
So many... too many... No books in particular though.
That was it! Doing this tag was too much fun, and I’m not tagging anyone because I want anyone who wants to try it to give it a go! Thank you! I will be posting one for my adult reads this year, so look forward to that, either early tomorrow morning or afternoon.

Monday, July 1, 2019

May and June Wrap-Up and July TBR

During the months of May and June, I read a total of 5 books. Three of the five novels I completed during these two months were in my May TBR.

I read one graphic novel, which I loved because it was dark and original. It was very different from the lighthearted version that I was used to. It was the first volume in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I cannot wait for the second volume to come out.

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Then I read a short novella, Pale Dreamer, and cannot wait to continue with the Bone Season series.

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Finally, I read three novels, two of which were novels told in verse: Blood Water Paint and Opposite of Innocent. Then I finished a book that I had started some time ago, but put down and finally picked it back up to finish, MARY: Unleashed.

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So for the month of May, I had been in the mood for war novels, so there are a handful of books that I had picked that take place during a war. Two of the books that I had picked, I had started, and those were Lovely War and Book Thief. I am planning to continue in my goal to read both of these for the month of July.


My other goal for the month of July is the same goal that I had during May also which is to crack down and read the books that I have not finished yet, but want to. Below are some of the books that I want to get to during this month - I know I won't get to all of these (or I might since some of them I am decently far into the books and some are very short).

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