Sunday, May 31, 2020

#MakeYourMythTaker Character

Dear Reader,

When I found this diary washed up beside a shore, I was sorely tempted to read it. But I had my inhabitions. I mean, can you blame me, this is someone's diary, someone's personal thoughts and feelings. But temptation won over any inhabitions I had.

What you may read in here might bother you because of the atrocities, while others may read this diary and understand the pain and struggles of the writer. I guess that's for you to decide on your own. But before you do, I'm going to introduce our author just so you get an idea of what you might read in the diary.

Faylen the Fierce is a young elven pirate, well half-elven half-human, but she grew up in an elven clan. Her mother had been a city elf when she had met Faylen's father, one of the most dangerous pirates around. But there was one even more dangerous than him, The Grim Reaper. Faylen's father was killed in a battle against The Grim Reaper, and now Faylen has sworn revenge, so she set out to be the first elven pirate the kingdom had ever known all to take out The Grim Reaper.

This is her tale. We'll see where her story takes her.

Until the next time,

Yours Truly,
A Friend

And for those of you wondering, I will be posting a "Diary Page" after I complete each book to in a way conclude a step in her journey.

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