Tuesday, December 31, 2019

End of Year 2019 Reading Resolutions Wrap-Up

At the beginning of the year, I shared with you all some reading goals that I wanted to tackle this year. Some were the same as previous years, and others were added on for this year. I completed 2  out of 6 challenges.

1. Meet My Goodreads Reading Challenge Goal

The goal this year was to read 50 books, which was less than my last year's goal. This is because I have been finding myself reading more adult books this year, and wanted to accommodate for that and not feel pressured to picking up more YA books. I read a total of 56 books.

2. Listen to 10 Audiobooks


3. Read 10 Contemporary Novels

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As you can see, I failed this challenge.

4. Read a book in all of the following genres:

Dystopian/Apocalyptic: NONE
Historical Fiction: Lovely War by Julie Berry
Fantasy: In An Absent Dream by Seanan McGuire
Fairytale Retelling: NONE
Mystery: Lonely Dead by April Henry
Thriller/Suspense: NONE
Horror: MARY: Unleashed by Hillary Monahan
Graphic Novel/Manga: Witch Boy by Molly Ostertag
Poetry/Verse: Blood Water Paint by Joy McCuttough
Anthology: NONE
Sci-Fi: NONE
Middle Grade: Girl in the Locked Room by Mary Downing Hahn
Steampunk: NONE

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5. Read 10 books that are longer than 500 pages


6. Finish the Series of Unfortunate Events

I did not finish this series.